Wednesday, June 28, 2006

After A Long Time...

After A Long Time...

It's been a while since I last updated this blog. Why, you ask? Is it because of the endless work I've been receiving? Is it because of the hardships of college? Actually, the reason is because I'm too lazy to update it.

Instead of writing just what happened today, I'll make a list of what have happened since the last time I've updated this blog.

During summer, we went to Dumaguete and China (Macau to be exact). During the trip to Dumaguete, I've found out that hell is filled with water. That's actually a joke I and my siblings made while we were on the boat. We were all veeery dizzy.

After summer, I'm officially a college student. Umm... that's it about that.

Actually, I forgot the other events after that except one very sad event. It was June 8,2006. It was the birthday of two of my blockmates. Before going to school, I played with our lovebirds. But one of the lovebirds flew and went to the new aviary we were having built. I took a stick and used it to get the bird. It worked too. The bird stepped on the stick and we got it back. After that, I returned the stick inside the aviary (it belonged there). After doing that, I stepped back. Unfortunately, one of the lovebirds, our favorite one, flew behind me. As a result, I accidentally stepped on it. It slowly died after that. I still cry whenever I think about the times I've spent with it. What if I just didn't step back? What if we didn't train it to be friendly to humans? It would have evaded if it was afraid of us. I wish I could turn back time, just to stop myself from stepping back.

Oh, one more thing. We were sent to the discipline office on my birthday. My blockmates were spreading the word that it was my birthday by writing on the board. I changed my name into "JAZEN" and my blockmates turned it into a "JAKE!!" in disguise. Unfortunately, while one of my blockmates were writing, he was caught by a D.O. (Discipline Office) officer. So we were sent to the D.O. Darn... XD

That's it for now, I'm getting tired of typing. Catch ya later ^^