Friday, November 17, 2006

It Hurts...

It Hurts...

The more you get from something, the more you lose when it fades away. It was a hard lesson. But it hurts more than many others.

Today was the enrollment day for our block. We knew it was coming. But we took it for granted. No... I did...

I felt deep within me that it meant a high chance of goodbyes and parting. Just like always, I went on my usual way of not caring till I cross the bridge. but when I arrived, the bridge was washed away.

The enrollment for our college was separated from A-K and L-Z. In order to retain our block, my blockmates shared their schedule for us to copy. At first, everything seemed to work out fine. Until two of our schedules overlapped. It was either switch or drop. The two subjects were Fildlar and Math114. Switching the schedule of Fildlar was out of the question since it only had one slot left on the alternative section. Therefore, we had no choice but to change the schedule for Math114. After we switched, the problem began.

I thought everything was fine. I even head the feeling that it was easy inside me. However, it turned out that one of many of our blockmates switched their schedules just to be with us. In the end, we're separated.