Tuesday, June 05, 2007

School's Back!

School's Back!

*Sigh*, a new school year once again. Actually, it started a few weeks back but I only felt like posting now.

Anyway, what's new with me?
Where do I start?

My big brother's on a "The Truth" kick, where he likes to talk about the truth and the many things we don't realize. Of course in my opinion, all of those are just theories, no matter how much they make sense.

As for my studies, I'm back at the blank state in the lectures. Haha, that's where I copy stuff from the board that doesn't even make sense to me. But at least I had a good start. I understood the lessons in the first week. XD

To make it worse, we have a course today where we have to write a long research paper. About 18 pages, if I remember correctly.

Currently, I have a very annoying cough. I won't be surprised if I lose my voice tomorrow. I hope it gets cured soon though. Why? Cause it's annoying.

I started playing O2 Jam once again. I played before, but only occasionally. I love outlasting high level people at Canon. XD Oh yeah, I'm also a translator for Shinobi Legends XD

There are many more topics to talk about. But I forgot most of them.

That's it for now, catch ya later! ^^