Thursday, July 13, 2006

JMJW Disband

JMJW Disband

It's been a long time since JMJW separated. Not that we lost all contact with one another, but things have really changed ever since. I see Wayne once in a while but we really don't spend some time chatting with one another anymore. As for John, we still exchange text quotes, but not as often as before. Also, we seldom see each other in LaSalle. As for Marco, he texted me during my birthday. His cellphone number has +63 before it ^^ I thought he was supposed to be abroad.

Anywayz, I've gone on with my life (For some reason, that sounded wierd). I've met new friends and I became more sociable to people (At least I think I did). My friends are all fun to be with. Each has a unique character. But it's really not the same...

Oh well, that's it for now. Catch ya later ^^