Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Strange Dream - Sweet Nightmare

January 25, 2011. I had a strange dream.
I was married to a lovely girl, whose face I cannot remember anymore. All I remember are what I felt in that dream. Some time passed. I've witnessed the pain of childbirth from others. Not wanting to see my wife in pain, I didn't want to have a child unless my wife wants one. Years quickly passed and before I knew it, we had two children. Two were boys. I remember my wife wanting a girl after we had our first child, which explains why we had another one. She said the girl will be her favorite.

I loved our children to death. I spent a lot of time with them and they seemed to like me as well. I caught a glimpse of my wife. She looked older and wasn't as thin as I recall her (in my dream) to be. Actually, she really looked like a mother.
My wife feels like I've been neglecting something- Possibly herself. I can't remember. But because of that, we were about to have a divorce.

Don't know how long after. But something bad happened that resulted to our children dying. Maybe it was a natural disaster or an accident. I recall looking at a small, broken picture of one of our children.

I felt so broken afterwards, as if there was nothing else to live for.
Some time passed. I walked out a door, possibly the back door of my house since the placed looked like an alley. There were some small steps going down from the door. Below the steps was our daughter, the third child.
I remember her hugging me. I cried and hugged her back. She made me realize that I still have something to live for.
We went to the beach. There was some sort of celebration. People were dancing. Among them was my wife. She looked happy. I knew then that she canceled the divorce as she was happy with me again.

That dream gave me a strange feeling after I woke up. I can't explain it, but it's there...

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