Friday, June 06, 2008

Cagayan de Oro

Cagayan de Oro

     Finally, I got around to updating my blog again. I'm going t post more than one today to catch up.

     I'm going to start with my family's travel to Camiguin and Cagayan de Oro.

     Dizzy after the flight, we met up with our tour guide, Tata. We then left the airport and had a 1 and a half hour travel to the place where we had luch. During the travel, we ate one of their food specialty, Pastel. It's condensed milk in a bun... So yummy o.o
     That day, we learned that sea urchins have eyes... and they look at you.
The hotel was great. Too bad we only got to stay there for one day.

     We visited some churches, went up 7/14 stations of the cross, some of my family members continued. The hotel in Cagayan de Oro isn't as nice as that of Camiguin.

      We took the Canopy Walk, Ziplin (which was cool), and White water rafting, which was totally awesome except for the sunburn. My feet got sunburned O.o. The water felt so good though.
That night, I still felt like I'm in a raft.

     The sunburn on my feet was beginning to take effect. We went to see the Maria Christina Falls, the Hydroelectric plant, and another watery place with a waterfall. We didn't swim because of the huge crowd.
     We then went to the Del Monte farm which had unlimited Pineapple juice.
     For dinner, we ate steak :D

     We walked around the market, which was a bit cleaner than Seaside of Manila. Mom and dad bought many Pastels to take home (Yum...). Then we played cards, and went home.


     Yeah, I don't remember the details much anymore. I just copied from my summarized journal.

     That's not it for now, catch ya later! ^^

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