Friday, June 06, 2008

Growing Up

Growing Up

     Everyday, I learn new things. I find out more about people, and find out more about myself through them. Who am I? A question I believed I've known the answer all my life. All along, I've only been acquainted with my mask.
     Looking back at the days long past, reflecting on my past actions and decisions, I've frequently told myself "That was stupid! Why did you do that?". But that's the proof that I'm growing everyday. That's the proof that I'm smarter than I was yesterday. Through the mistakes that I've made, I get closer to the me that I want to be.

     Last term, I've failed a subject, LINPROG. At the beginning of that term, I already seen that subject as a dangerous one. But as the term continued, I found myself enjoying myself a bit in that subject. It was the last quiz that caused my miscalculation. I thought I aced the test. Because of that, I didn't work as hard as I was supposed to in that subject's finals. After the finals, the results of the last quiz were returned. I found out then that I was doomed to failure.
     During the term before that, I almost failed one subject. I told myself then that I should study harder the next term. Turns out, I failed to do just that.

     Sometimes, almost falling from a cliff is not enough for us to learn our lesson. We just have to learn it the hard way.

     Well, that's it for now! Catch ya later! ^^


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